I have been writing and re-writing this post in my head, over and over for the past 48 hours. Did I really want to post it; how much detail did I want to share; would anyone care to read it anyway.
I ultimately decided to be honest and brief (as brief as I know how anyway): I am burnt out and I need a break. I need to recharge, and re-prioritize and re-organize my home, and my life.
Yesterday, a friend and I took our kids to the Children’s Museum, and sometime between the sand table and the noodle forest I realized that I’d hit a wall and shut down. Not just in the normal introvert-feeling-overwhelmed-by-the-crowd-and-the-noise kind of way, but in a “Wow. Something’s gotta give” kind of way.
I. Am. Tired.
In three and a half weeks, we’re leaving for nearly a month long road trip. Instead of feeling excited about it, I’m predominately feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by it. And because I really don’t want to feel that way about the biggest vacation we’ve taken since we’ve been married (or that I’ve ever taken really), I want to take steps to change it.
And it starts with a break… from blogging, from extra pressure I’ve been putting on myself, from unnecessary running around… just a break.
I don’t know if it’ll be two weeks or two months or ten months. I just know I need to do it. Thank you to everyone who has been reading so faithfully, and I will see you on the other side.
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