I had a week. I was feeling tired and run-down, sick from the medication I was taking, and grumpy from the heat. I was sleeping even less than normal (which is minimal to begin with), and badly in need of an outing and some good old-fashioned head clearing.
We had an off-roading trip scheduled yesterday, and I was so feeling so badly that we were wondering if we’d have to cancel. In the end though, staying home was just not an option. I HAD to get out, and the desert was the perfect place to be. Breathing in the wide, open, desert air is far and away my preferred therapy (better even than Alanis Morissette) It’s one place I can always relax. One place I can always be me. It was exactly what I needed, and it restored me in both body and soul.
This video is under two minutes, and is just something I quickly shot as we were driving through a little canyon. What I love about it is Tegan squealing happily in the back seat… the sound of which is of course better for the soul than the desert and Alanis combined.
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