The kids and I have been a little… uninspired… lately. I blame part of it on decompressing after a very busy 2010 (even though that was now over 3 months ago), and I blame part of it on myself. I haven’t been sleeping for a long time now, which as anyone who suffers from insomnia can tell you, starts to make a person, well, kind of crazy.
Things haven’t been bad (bone crushing exhaustion aside), but they’ve been… safe. Familiar. Like we’ve been in a rut, and not a terribly exciting one.
So, inspired by my lovely friend Erica (aka Sierra Mama) I decided to make a list of goals. I invited the kids to join me, and together we sat outside and brainstormed a bunch of things that we want to do, see, and learn about the rest of the year… things to work towards, things to be excited about, and things to get us going again. Everyone had something to add, and it was all put in one big list with no designations, because we’ll all work together and help each other in our pursuits. I’m sure we’ll add to it, and swap things out as we go, but this is our list as of today in all its beautiful, optimistic glory:
1. Pan for gold
2. Learn how to fix lawn mowers
3. Learn how to fix vehicles
4. Learn how to play hockey
5. Learn to read well
6. Make a paper-mache volcano
7. Make homemade pasta
8. Drive go-carts
9. Get better at skateboarding
10. Learn to ice skate
11. Learn to roller skate
12. Learn about scorpions
13. Learn to drive a riding lawn mower
14. Learn about sting rays
15. Learn about jelly fish
16. Learn how to do Algebra
17. Go on roller coasters
18. See a panda bear
19. Get a gerbil
20. Ride a segway
21. Make our own sushi
22. Finish watching the US History DVDs
23. Build something out of wood
24. Learn about classic muscle cars
25. Learn about the weather
26. Learn about horses
27. Make our own organic chicken feed
28. Have a lemonade stand
29. Have a yard sale
30. Practice writing
31. Learn about computer repairs
32. Learn about elephants
33. Go to unschooling conference
34. Go on cross-country trip
35. Save up for Disney trip in 2012
36. Save up for a DSi
37. Learn about electrical system
38. Learn about heating and cooling systems
39. Learn about architecture
40. Go fishing
41. Take vitamins every day
42. Learn how to sew
43. Keep working on expanding blogs
44. Finish book
45. Learn how a lawn mower is made
46. Build a playhouse
47. Learn how to do flips n stuff
48. Practice yoga every day
49. Learn about flexibility
50. Learn how to use our camera better
51. Go in a steam room
52. Learn about the presidential election
53. Learn about branches of government
54. Learn about trees
55. Paint the hallways
56. Put in the new security door
57. Build a run for the chickens
58. Paint and redecorate bedrooms
59. List Paxton’s DS on Ebay
60. Finish Personal Trainer program
61. Go camping
62. Ride in a canoe
63. Get up to 500 geocache finds
64. Hide a new geocache
65. Dig in the ground
66. Go to Science Center
67. Landscape the front yard
68. Knit something
69. Make jewelry
70. Finish turning the Maverick into a MavFinder
71. Get another tattoo
72. Dye our hair
73. Do more science experiments
74. Grow crystals
75. Go in the lava tubes
76. Go to the zoo
77. Put up a new swing set
78. Start cub scouts
79. Learn how to play football
80. Make a poopy
81. Learn about digestion
82. Go back to Japanese garden
83. Take an art class
84. Build a remote control car
85. Read something every day
86. Write something every day
87. Pray every day
88. Make daily to-do list
89. Learn how to cook
90. Make more cupcakes
91. Learn how to make homemade chocolate
92. Sand and paint Tegan’s little table and chairs
93. Sign up for 2011/2012 yoga teacher training
94. Write 3rd Nano book, and edit 2010 Nano book
95. Pay off Amazon credit card
96. Upgrade our cell phones
97. Get cell phone for big boys to share
98. Get an indoor hammock
99. Figure out how to make Paxton his own room
100. Get a digital piano
101. Learn to play drums
102. Learn to swim
103. Make a movie and post it on YouTube
104. Get braces off!!

Pingback: 52 Ways to Have a “Time-In” | The Path Less Taken
I’m a grandma living far from grandkids, only visiting 3 weeks in the year so I’m a bit out of touch and lots of your suggestions bring back memories of what I did with my kids and now GRAND kids. A refreshing reminder of lots of fun things to do on our Christmas visit.
“stop and smell the flowers”
Thank you so much
You’re very welcome. Stop and smell the flowers, indeed. 🙂
Just wondering how you guys did at completeing your list. 🙂
You know, I kind of forgot that we’d actually written the list down, but in looking back on it, we have done a LOT of those! 🙂 I’ll have to dust it off, and revamp it for this year. Thanks for the reminder Brandie!