Forty three days into my blog-a-day challenge to myself, and a funny thing has happened. Blogging has become less about pontificating for the sake of pontificating (though I do love my pontificating) and more about interacting. I’ve realized the past several weeks how much I truly love the give and take, and the feedback, and the sharing that a blog allows. I don’t think I’ve really appreciated that aspect of it until very recently. Starting the Facebook page has surely helped in that regard, as have those of you who’ve passed my link onto others.
And as I’ve spent more time on my own blog, I’ve also been spending time perusing others… seeing what I like, seeing what I don’t like, seeing what works, and seeing what doesn’t.
My own personal favorite blogs are the blogs that make visiting fun, whether it’s just through a light writing style, a sense of humor, or lots of pictures.
Oh yeah, and the giveaways.
Giveaways are an awesome way to interact, and a chance to learn about great products and small mom-owned businesses that you might not otherwise have heard of. And they’re FUN! So, doing a giveaway seemed like the next logical step in creating this little corner of the blogosphere. I had to do a giveaway. I’m going to do a giveaway of my own making at some point (homemade vegan lip balm anyone??) but thanks to two beautiful volunteers, I get to start with something even better.
My very first giveaway will be tomorrow, in honor of my I-don’t-celebrate-Valentine’s-Day celebration, and I have another in the works for next week. I am so excited!
If you’re a mom who has a unique product or business, and would like to donate something for a giveaway and get some more exposure for your site, drop me a message. And make sure you come back tomorrow for giveaway number one!

Ooooh! What a neat idea!!