By nature, I’m a highly disorganized person. I’ve blogged about it before, so this is not anything new. I tend to make a mess out of everything I touch. But the fact remains that I will forever be in love with things that make me FEEL like I’m being organized. I walk through Staples and Office Max and just sigh with pleasure.
So I get very excited when I come across do-it-yourself organizational projects, especially quick ones, and even more especially, cheap ones.
Someone posted this idea for a free menu planner, and I thought, “You know what I don’t have? A free menu planner.” As much as I like the concept of planning meals in advance…. ah, well, you know the rest. Nice in theory, but in practice, not so much. But maybe if I have a fun menu planner, I’ll actually use it. And it’s cute. And it’s free! So after three failed attempts (I have issues printing things at the correct size) I printed it out:
Next was a trip to the Dollar Tree with the two little ones, for a $1 frame.
I trimmed the heck out of it,
Put it in my dollar store frame, and grabbed a dry erase marker (Is there anything greater than dry erase markers?!) And voila. For a dollar, some ink, and a couple of minutes of time, we now have a nice, reusable, menu planner. And the illusion of organization.

I just found your blog and am enjoying reading through it!
Thanks Jane! Glad you're here 🙂
It looks great. 🙂