Plans and Passions

Last night we rang in the New Year with a carpet picnic of fried, not-even-remotely-healthy-non-food, wine, and season one of The Big Bang Theory.  Today we saw Mike’s parents off at the airport, went to a movie with the kids, and started planning for 2011.
I avoided it for as long as I could.  As focused as I’ve been on living in the moment, thinking about a whole other year seemed somehow distasteful.  But it’s officially here, and I can deny it no longer.  
So plan we must.
Everett is in a play this spring, with rehearsals starting next week.
We’ve got field trips and co-ops, appointments and day trips
We have visitors coming for a week in February
I’m beginning yoga teacher training in March (unless I change my mind about the timing, again, because.. well.. I do that)
I’d really like to edit my Nano book
A friend and I are collaborating on an unschooling project
We’re tentatively planning a three-week trip east this summer.
And so it goes….
A lot of planning, figuring, thinking, and dreaming.  Right now though, I’m thinking of none of that.  Right now, I’m actually thinking of blogging (while I’m blogging, what are the chances?)  I read an article about blogging the other day, by the lovely Dan over at Single Dad Laughing, and it talked about – among other things – the importance of blogging every day.  Every.  Single.  Day.  It also mentioned posting a picture with every post, which is why I included the yogi at the top of this entry (which really has nothing to do with anything, except that I mentioned yoga).  So, I was reading this article and thinking about blogging, and I suddenly decided that this will be the year that I will cease being Jen who occasionally blogs, and become Jen The Blogger.  Because, well why not.   Because I want to see over 300 posts in one year in my archives.
And because I can.

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1 Comment

Filed under about me, life, New Years

One Response to Plans and Passions

  1. Jessica

    I'll be looking forward to more updates on your adventures!

    And, the end of 2010 definitely turned into a blog a day kind of thing for me. Sometimes more than one! I think I have 42 posts in October. Couldn't tell you why, now. 🙂

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