Changes in the Night

We bought this bed about 10 years ago. It was the first bed we purchased for ourselves (one of our first new pieces of furniture period, as most everything else up till that point had been hand-me-downs) Tegan has slept with us in this bed for nearly two and a half years now, and Paxton and Everett both happily slept in it from infancy to toddlerhood as well. 

One of the great things about co-sleeping, from a practical standpoint, is that it eliminates the nightly bedtime struggles, the difficult transitions, and the self-imposed stresses of “s/he should be in his own bed by now!”  When you open up your room and your bed to your child, at any age, for any reason, one season blends seamlessly into the next, and independence happens so organically that you’re not even aware of it.  You can be flexible and open to new sleeping arrangements, and changes and trials are no big deal.

It was over a year ago that we first started doing some room switching, which I blogged about here and here.  But because life is what it is, things evolved (see my above statement about being flexible), and we went with the current.   In December, the project turned into something else, which I mentioned at the end of this post.  Now, eight months later, it has come full-circle, and we completed – sort of – what we originally started.  Spencer decided he wanted his own room, and Paxton is content to continue to share with Everett for now.  Tegan’s little bed was moved right next to ours, for whenever she decides she’s ready for it. 

 Everett now has Spencer’s old bed:

And Spencer has his own room, shared only with the dog:

And everyone’s happy.

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Filed under attachment parenting, projects

3 Responses to Changes in the Night

  1. Barbara

    nice looking room!
    What happened to all those toys LOL

  2. LLL of Cedar City


  3. Lesa McMahon

    lovely. 🙂

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