Lies The Government Told You, by Andrew P. Napolitano
“If we fear our own government, if we accept its deceptions, its lies to us, if we take no action to redress them, our freedoms are doomed.” – Andrew Napolitano
Part history lesson, part cautionary tale, “Lies the Government Told You,” gives an honest and extremely unflinching look into the various ways we have been, and continue to be, lied to by the government. Using his vast knowledge and experience as a Superior Court Judge, Andrew Napolitano takes the reader through 17 specific lies, and shows us again and again how our freedoms are being assaulted by the very people we trust to protect them.
This book is an eye-opening must-read for anyone who is interested in learning the truth, no matter what your political affiliation. I was apprehensive to read it at first, as I didn’t want to read a book that would disparage any one political party. My fear was unfounded. Democrat, Republican, and everything in between were all fair game for Napolitano and his no-holds-barred look at everyone from Lincoln to Obama. It in turns taught me and terrified me, but more than anything else it angered me.
It should be noted that this is not a light-hearted beach read. It is heavy on facts, court cases, and dates, so readers who tend to get bogged down with details may have difficulty with certain sections. Otherwise, it is an engaging and interesting book, one that should be read by every concerned American, particularly those that are not content with just sitting back and doing and believing as they are told.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”