2010 has brought with it a shift. Things are changing, and I’m thankful that our fluid homeschooling lifestyle allows us to not only ride with the tide, but to embrace it.
While the latter part of 2009 was spent largely and voluntarily on our own, at home, we are now enjoying the call to come out of hibernation. We’re signing up for field trips, making more playdates, and meeting new people.
After 3 seasons, Paxton has decided not to play baseball on a team this spring, instead just continuing to enjoy the sport on his own. He’s happy with his choice, and seems to look forward to just being Paxton for awhile, instead of Paxton-the-ball-player.
Everett is currently taking an opposite track, and wanting to do, see, and try more more MORE. He’s about to start his second season of baseball, and in one week will be taking gymnastics as well. At home he’s been immersing himself into one project after another, from origami to sculpting to baking to studying the human body. He’s the happiest when no two days are alike, when each day brings something new. It’s a feeling I can fully understand at the moment, as I’ve been on my own similar quest.
Last week I enrolled in school, for the first time since Paxton was a baby, and will – God willing – finally finish my certificate in Holistic Nutrition, before moving on to Natural Health. My vocabulary is not large enough to explain how excited I am, both to start the new program, and to see what else the next 11 months are going to bring.