Milk Shakes and Cookie Parties

Day 9 – Make milkshakes for dessert

I officially missed my first day of blogging of the month. Yesterday was pretty much a lousy day for me, as I spent the entire day out of commission and feeling sick to my stomach again. I ended up going to bed at 8:00, and completely forgot about updating the blog. The kids had a good day though, and thoroughly enjoyed the mint oreo shakes they made with Daddy after dinner.

Day 10 – Go to a Moms ‘N Kids Cookie Swap Party & Have a Carpet Picnic For Dinner

Mike had the day off today, as a furlough, and it worked out well because we were on the go from 8:00 in the morning. We dropped off his truck to get the a/c diagnosed, stopped for a quick snack and coffee at Dunkin Donuts, and came home for a couple of hours to get ready to go out to a holiday party. It was a cookie swap party hosted by a friend of ours, and though we were only able to stay for an hour because we had to get Spencer to the orthodontist, we had a great time.

The afternoon was filled with orthodontists, the mechanic’s (again), and grocery shopping. Finally, we settled in for a carpet picnic and Finding Nemo. The boys capped off the night with legos on the carpet, while the Mike and the girl and I finished off the last little bit of online Christmas shopping.

Busy day. Good day. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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