Day 16 – Make Gingerbread Houses
The kids are getting tired. I feel badly that the ever elusive time of rest before Christmas has yet to come to fruition, and am so thankful that Mike is officially on vacation as of this Friday evening! We’re all needing that time together as a family.
Tegan has caught herself a cold – which while making her understandably want to be extra close to me, has oddly made her less grumpy instead of more – so we stayed close to home again. The boys made gingerbread houses, while Tegan played with the crackers and frosting and ate the candy. There were some frustrations (see my previous paragraph about everyone being over tired) but they were all happy with their end results, and cheerfully snacked on their houses all morning.
Mike had a Christmas party at work tonight, which because of the budget did not include spouses this year. So the kids and I were alone, and did something we rarely do and got fast food takeout for dinner. It was an unexpectedly nice little treat, and ended up refreshing us all.

I like getting take-out on special occasions…it really is a little refreshing and fun if done sparingly. The kids really enjoy it! And, it tastes pretty good, too.
Your gingerbread houses look GREAT. We'll be making one on saturday, that is our "day" to do it.
Hope you all feel better, soon!