Something For Me

This blog, and in many ways my life, for the last several years has been about the children. I’m happy it’s been that way! Not in the “I’m going to knock myself out being a martyr and sacrificing everything for the sake of the kids” kind of way, but in the “I love and respect my children, I brought them into this world, they’re only young once, and right now their happiness is what’s most important” kind of way.

But I’m still me. To that end, I wanted to share why my blogging will be sparse to non-existent from now until the first of December. I’m taking some time for myself, and doing this:

I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve been so excited about something that was strictly for myself.

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1 Comment

Filed under writing

One Response to Something For Me

  1. Alice

    That is so awesome! I'm tempted to sign up, but have so overextended myself on projects. I love the explanation of what it is on the site, it had me cracking up. Have a great time writing! Do we get to read the finished novel? 🙂

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