Last night, Mom and Dad picked up all three boys and brought them to stay at their house for a few days. They’ll be going to VBS at their church today and tomorrow, and we’ll go up to join them on Saturday.
I recently got some backlash on Facebook because of a status comment I made about liking having my kids at home. I do. I’m happy they’re home, I’m happy I get to spend this time with them, I’m happy they’re not in school all day. I make no apologies for that! Their childhood is so so short.
I’m enjoying spending quality “girl time” with Tegan today, and I’m glad that my boys are having a good time at their grandparents’. I remember spending time with my grandparents so fondly!! Everything was always special at their house, no matter what it was… from coloring to eating cookies to banging away on their piano. Fond memories indeed. Still, the house feels strange and quiet without all my chicks present and accounted for. I love watching them grow and gain a healthy independence… but I do feel most right when all my kids (and my husband for that matter) are at least in the same zipcode. I can’t wait to give them all a hug on Saturday.
On the health front, the tide seems to have favorably turned at last. Everyone is healthy, and while Everett does have Thalassemia, it does not require treatment. My kidney issue seems to be more of a sticking point, and I will be having follow-up tests – and possibly procedures – but for the moment I am well, and pain-free! Yesterday we all finally made it to one of the Kids Summer Movies(we missed the first three) and just being out and doing something fun gave me a new, much needed, lease on life.