It’s officially hot in Phoenix. While our east coast friends are celebrating spring and turning to their outdoor activities, we are doing just the opposite… switching gears and enjoying our indoor pursuits for most of the day. We are still geocaching (in fact we logged a marathon session of 39 finds this weekend!) but we’re sticking to side-of-the-road “park and grabs” now, instead of those that require hikes. Spencer brings his radar gun, and entertains himself by shooting the passing cars when he’s not looking for a cache.
Everett and I have been doing a lot of puzzles and playing a lot of card games, and the big boys are rediscovering old computer programs – Spencer is currently immersed in Roller Coaster Tycoon, and is giving us frequent updates on his visitors, attractions, and food. Paxton is keeping busy with Zoo Tycoon, and his most recent experiment involved letting the lions out of their pen to see if they would eat the scientist. (They did)
We made homemade donuts this weekend, which was a first, and is a project that will likely be repeated in the future
Finally, dad celebrates his 60th birthday next weekend. We surprised him by showing up with the kids and a cake on Saturday. We grilled burgers, drank prickly pear margaritas, and just generally enjoyed the day. Happy Birthday Dad!!

We are up in Cottonwood, so I can vouch for the it’s hot! I’m drooling over the doughnuts!