Paxton – age 8 – came up to me today and said “You know what would be cool?”
“If money and time were reversed.” I wasn’t sure what he meant at first, but it sounded right coming from him. He loves numbers.
I asked him what he meant, and he explained, “Well, if there were 100 minutes in an hour, and .60 in a dollar.”
I told him that then a dollar would be worth less, and he responded that “everything would still cost the same, so your money would go further. Something that is $5.00 would really cost 300 cents instead of 500 cents. AND, there’d be 100 minutes in an hour, so there’d be more time to play!”
Can’t argue with that.

What a smart kiddo! You must be doing SOMETHING right! LOL
Great blog! I hope you don’t mind that I’m now a “follower”. 🙂 I found you through RingSurf and seems we have a lot in common. Take care.
Warmly, Kat