OK, this is why I homeschool. Setting aside all the waxing poetic that I did a few days ago, the simple simple reason I homeschool is that I want to be here for this. I want to be here when I tell the boys to come see what their caterpillars did overnight, and to watch them jump up from their seats in that super-human way that’s reminiscent of Tom and Jerry cartoons, watch them trip all over themselves as they run across the house, and watch how excited they are to tell their dad when he gets home from work.
While the butterflies have been working quickly, the changes in Taddy the tadpole have been more gradual. It’s hard to take a picture of a tadpole, but if you look closely, you can see his little legs growing… legs that now have teeny tiny feet with teeny tiny toes. Watching him grow has been like looking at a perpetual ultrasound reading.

Do you have a link on directions on how to do this? My daughter would LOVE that! Homeschooling is incredibly gradifying isn’t it?
We're using a kit that came with the habitat, and sent for the caterpillars in the mail. There are a few out there, but this is the one we have:
It has been great!
CONGRATS but I’m not ashamed to admit that it gave me the heebie jeebies! Ethan would love this though!!!!! I’m such a “girl”. LMAO What a great teacher you are Jen!!!