It’s a girl!

Or a boy. We won’t know until he or she becomes a frog. Everett got his tadpole today, and was he ever excited. I was a little bit frustrated with the mail carrier since the packaging said “Live animal, DO NOT LEAVE IN MAILBOX” all over it, and she had in fact left it in the mailbox. Thankfully, my minor frustration waned when we opened the package and found the tadpole alive and well, swimming with all its might in the little baggie of water. We had to make an emergency run to the grocery store because it needed bottled spring water which we didn’t have on hand, and we were all relieved it was still alive after that as well. It’s all set up now in its little habitat, temporarily living on the kitchen counter. That’s the other thing that Santa didn’t think of. Where exactly are we going to put all these creatures?

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Filed under homeschooling, kids

2 Responses to It’s a girl!

  1. Sam

    now that one is COOL… I would kinda like to see that one growing

  2. Erika Seirup

    This is going to be awesome for them to watch.

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