The critters are coming, the critters are coming!

The boys got a lot of live Christmas presents this year. The day after Christmas we sent in 6 order forms for praying mantis eggs, ants, worms, caterpillars, and tadpoles. Most of them will take a few weeks, but the praying mantis eggs arrived this weekend. Santa didn’t read the praying mantis kit very carefully, because we were shocked to learn that we were receiving 100-200 eggs, and that they’d all have to be put into separate containers before they grew and were released. Surprise! The egg sack is in the habitat, and we’re faithfully watching them every day. They should start hatching in 2 or 3 weeks – giving us some time to come up with 100 jars – and it can’t come soon enough for Everett, who doesn’t quite understand how long a week is yet. He’s been looking at it hopefully every morning for the past few days, and announcing, “They haven’t hatched YET?!” I can’t wait to see the look on his face when they do make their appearance.

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