The stockings are hung, the tree is trimmed, and the cookies are… well they’re not done, but they’re close! I think Mom got a little ambitious thinking that it could wait until the 22nd, but we’ll get them finished. It probably would have been a good idea to get them started this weekend, but once again we just didn’t stop moving long enough.
On Friday night, we went through with our plans to drive through the nearby neighborhoods and look at the Christmas lights and decorations. Let me just stop right here and say that we have *no* decorations outside our house, save for the little $.99 wreath and bow from the dollar store on our front door. Our next door neighbors have a strand or two of lights strung around a pole, and the people across the street have a couple of those light up deer. That’s it. So the boys were EXTREMELY excited when we pulled into a newer development, the kind where people push their electric bills to staggering limits all in the name of outdoing their neighbor in the Christmas light war. Not just lights mind you, but trains and carousels and snowmen and polar bears and big blow up Santas riding everything from Harleys to race cars. It was a sight to behold for sure, and five of us thoroughly enjoyed the excursion. Tegan would have enjoyed it too, but she’d fallen asleep by the time we left our own street.
On Saturday, the boys did something that they couldn’t do 5 days before Christmas in New Hampshire. They rode their bikes and played hide and seek with a friend in the park. Paxton had baseball practice, and afterwards they all played and rode for nearly two hours while Tegan and I shopped. We missed church on Sunday (a curse on this cold-that-never-ends!) and the boys spent much of the day making Christmas presents for relatives. Everett also found the movie “Spy Kids” on TV, taped it, and has now watched it four times.
But what was I talking about? Oh yes, cookies.
The peanut butters are done, the butter cookie dough is chilling, and the oreo balls are done and just need to be dipped.
The boys can never resist making a couple poop-shaped cookies instead of balls.
And just because I need to take pictures of the baby when I take pictures of the boys:
Can you get over those big green eyes?

Poop shaped cookies!! Haha! That is great! Have a Merry Christmas you guys! And yes, I love Tegan’s beautiful eyes :0)