Ah, cold and flu season. Just when we think we’ve got it beat, in rolls another round of runny noses, coughs, and congestion. This latest go has been particularly miserable, and put a bit of a crimp in our merry-making. Still, with the exception of having too many things to do and not enough time to do them, we are happily continuing our count-down till Christmas. This week we had a family Wii night, sent cards online to soldiers (you can do that at Lets Say Thanks and at Holiday Mail for Heroes) and made Peppermint milkshakes. Tonight, provided everyone’s feeling up to it, we’re taking a drive around the local neighborhoods so we can collectively ooooh and ahhhh over everyone’s Christmas lights. Six more days!

Hey Jen! Ohh the Wii nite sounds fun fun!! We can’t wait until we get one, for now we enjoy the guitar hero on PS2! Awww, I am so sorry to hear about the sickies–yuck!! Love the pics! We got slammed with tons of snow–u probably heard about it from ur fam! Yikes and we are due to get hit again Sunday! We will def. have a White Christmas, that for sure! Thinking of you and the boys–miss chatting with Paxton and Spencer on RUN! Happy Holidays!!