"She’s got some cool moves"

That was Mike, just now, talking about his character in Tekken Tag Tournament, a video game he’s playing with the boys. Spencer and Everett are both laughing, Paxton is giving tips and encouragement, and Tegan is amusing herself with one of the dog’s balls. It’s a happy, if noisy, night.

We were supposed to look at the stars tonight, but they were few and far between. Everett wanted to get the telescope out anyway, and I promised we would do just that after dinner. We went for a walk first, Tegan in Daddy’s arms, and Everett swinging from my hand every time he jumped a crack in the sidewalk. We got out the telescope when we got back, and Everett and I looked at the few stars, the moon, and the lights on the neighbors’ houses. We heard caroling at one point, or maybe even some sort of choir practice, which moved me and tickled Everett. An old man walked by, and chatted happily with Everett as he rounded our corner. We stayed out until Everett annouced we were done, and we retired inside for another big mug of hot chocolate. The boys played a game with matchbox cars (All three of them. At the same time. With no fighting) and Mike and I spent a good half hour just watching the dog work on getting biscuits out of her Kong ball. Mike decided he wanted to play a game, which brings me to the present, and the Playstation game, and the cool moves comment. Sometimes I play with them, sometimes I’m in the other room… right now, I’m just the quiet observer, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s a good moment, and a good night, to be a mom.

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