Date nights, campouts, and candy

So I didn’t reach my daily goal. One might think I failed; that I didn’t finish what I started. But I prefer to think of it in the positive… I wasn’t afraid to try. 🙂

My brief little blogging hiatus was for no other reason than we were busy having fun! Thursday night, the kids stayed with our neighbors – and friends – while Mike and I did something we haven’t done for two years: went on a real, live date. Unless going to the emergency room counts as a date? We put in an appearance at the office Christmas party, and managed to be fairly social for nearly two hours. After we filled up on hors d’oeuvres, wine, and cupcakes, we were off to the movies, where we laughed our way through an hour and a half of Vince Vaughn. Heaven. I was a little nervous about leaving Tegan, as the last time I’d left her for that long she was three months old (and I was heavily drugged) but she did beautifully. She was sound asleep on our neighbor’s lap when we got home.

Last night, we all camped out in the TV room with the Christmas tree. Not much makes me feel as old as sleeping on the floor all night. I’ve got aches in places I didn’t know existed. It was worth it though, as the kids and the dog were all excited about the prospect.

And today, today was surprisingly go-go-go for a day that was supposed to be lazy and unscheduled. Paxton had a baseball practice at noon, and it took place at a new field. We arrived right on time with the whole family and the dog in tow, only to be met with a sign that informed us that Sophie was not welcome. I drove her home, used some cheese and some coaxing to get her in her crate, and hoped and prayed for the best. She did chew up her bedding, but wasn’t in full-on panic mode when we returned, which was a big improvement. Even better, there was no blood and no injuries. Progress is good. After the practice, we somehow lost the entire afternoon. By the time we made it to the grocery store and home again, it was 7:00. Today’s project was supposed to be making Christmas candy, and we just got it in under the wire. It won’t be ready to eat until tomorrow, but we’re pleased so far with our first attempt at peppermint bark.

As long as noses aren’t quite so runny, tomorrow we’ll be joined by my sister and her family at church. It’ll be the first time they’ve visited with us, and we’re all looking forward to it. And even though the weekend will be over, Monday won’t seem quite so bad. As of yesterday, Mike has only 7 more work days until his TWELVE days off. We’re all looking forward to that too.

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