This weekend we returned home, and we’re ready for things to get back to normal. The problem is, we’re all still trying to figure out what ‘normal’ is! We moved in, started to get unpacked, promptly went to California for a week, and are now back in the midst of more unpacking, house renovations, holiday preparations, and company coming in two weeks.
Some highlights from the trip to CA:
Mike had to go to a 4 day training for work, so the boys and I tagged along. We stayed at a hotel right by a friend’s house in the Bay area, while Mike went further north to his own hotel for his meetings. It was great to visit with friends, see a new part of the country, and take a little break from the headaches with the house for awhile!
The area was hilly, green, and a beautiful change of pace. The boys collected fall leaves, HUGE ones, from a supermarket parking lot. They were gorgeous leaves, and the biggest ones I’ve ever seen. A nice treat for Arizonians 🙂
On Tuesday, we went to visit my friend’s husband at work. He works at EA games (and has Paxton’s dream job as a video game designer) We got a tour of the facility, had lunch, visited the store… and the kids even got to test out a game that’s not ready to hit the shelves for another year. Cool!! It was an impressive place, and we learned a lot about the behind-the-scenes of the gaming industry.
The rest of the week, we visited! Visited, hung out, and played. The big boys played playstation for hours and hours, while Everett enjoyed the company of his fellow two year old buddy.
Mike met us back at their house on Thursday, and we headed home. The ride went very smoothly, both ways, even with staying up all night. The boys slept through most of it (as was the plan) but they cheerfully woke for breaks and snacks and to appreciate the lights of the cities we passed through. They especially loved any bridges we went over. We’re planning a vacation out to Disney next spring, and now I am even more excited about it!