The day after tomorrow, all this back-and-forthing will finally end, and we will officially move into the new house. The renovations are far from being finished, but given the choice of a house under construction and a house overrun with scorpions, we’ll take the construction any day of the week.
The boys are alternating between enthusiastically helping with packing and moving and, well, being boys! They have been on a Monopoly kick lately, especially Paxton, and we’ve played many hours-long games over the course of the past several days. Tuesday we went to quarry where our countertops are being made, and got a tour of the facility. They really enjoyed seeing behind-the-scenes, and asked a lot of questions. Spencer was particularly in awe of the forklifts moving the giant slabs of granite. Tomorrow we’re headed to a homeschool harvest party, and they’re looking forward to painting pumpkins, and dipping their own caramel apples. And on Saturday, we MOVE! I think we’ll all be relieved to settle in at the house and adjust to a new sense of normal…. hopefully a normal that does NOT include scorpions!!! Saturday night I looked out at the patio of the new house and saw what looked to me like a gigantic bark scorpion scurrying along the wall. I was ready to put the house on the market, and move to…. I don’t even know where. Somewhere else. But it turned out to be just a lizard, and was soon joined by two of its lizard friends. The kids thought they were really cool, but I couldn’t shake the resemblance – even if just from a quick glance – to the straw colored scorpions that have plagued us for the past several months.
In other news, Paxton is very proud (and excited and freaked out and anxious) about his very first loose tooth.