The best laid plans…

We were supposed to be closing – and moving – 8 days from today. We will possibly be closing in a month, maybe with these buyers, perhaps with new buyers.

Possibly… maybe… perhaps.

We are in limbo more than ever right now, and our main concern at the moment is keeping things as normal as possible for the kids. This is difficult, as we only have one car, and have to shuffle our lives around the continually showings on the house. Still, even with the occasional tantrum (the kids also have tantrums sometimes), we are managing to keep our heads above water. The older boys had their physicals this week, and they are both healthy, strong, and good to go. On Tuesday, we all had to get up early to drive Mike to work so we could have the truck. We had two showings scheduled, and we spent the first one wandering around Walmart for nearly 2 hours. We came home and worked on the latest workbook from the kids’ Top Secret Adventures, this time about Kenya. Luckily, the second showing was at 5, and we were already going to be out picking Mike up, so we didn’t have to do anything differently. Yesterday the excavator came to do the digging for the neighbor’s addition. This meant that Spencer spent most of the day camped at window, keeping me updated on the progress. We capped off the day by playing ball in the driveway. And “ball” by the way, means three different things to the three boys….. for Everett it means walking around carrying, and occasionally throwing, his big playground ball, all the while yelling “Ba! Ba!” with a big grin on his face…. for Paxton, it’s a jumping, sliding, rolling, kicking, throwing combination of soccer, baseball and volleyball… and for Spencer, it’s occasional pausing from his excited bouncing to either catch or throw the ball. We did a lot of packing yesterday too, which was put on hold for the moment, at least until we get a better idea of what’s happening with our house and move. Today was cookie-making. And tomorrow? I couldn’t even hazard a guess about what tomorrow will bring. I know it’ll be interesting.

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