The last several days have been a whirlwind of a activity, a final sprint in this leg of the journey. Thursday the boys and I went to Concord for errands, and it was with a very strange sense of finality that we went to Walmart, the grocery store, and to Friendly’s. It’s starting to sink in to all of us that this is the last time we’ll eat at a Friendly’s; the last time we’ll go to this Walmart; the last time we’ll shop at this grocery store. God-willing, in just a couple of weeks, our whole sense of “normal” will be completely different. Friday someone came from Mike’s work to pick up some furniture. She bought our remaining couch, two chairs, and three dressers. Our house feels big and strange and empty… and it echoes. Yesterday was packing, packing, and more packing. The boys are saying temporary goodbyes to many of their toys now. Mike took the bed frames apart – because they’ll go in the trailer next – so we all camped out on the living room floor. We’ll stay there for the next 8 nights (possibly up to 26 nights if the closing date gets extended again) but it is part of the adventure. Last night we all snuggled up, found The Parent Trap on tv, and stayed up way too late. This morning is pancakes – which is very normal for a Sunday morning – but this morning, my 8 year old is making them. He’s helped before, but never done it on his own. At my last glance, they were round, fluffy, and perfectly golden.