The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

This has not been a very good week. Everyone has colds, everyone’s on edge, the kids have been bickering more than usual, and I’m pretty sure I can speak for everyone when I say that we are more than ready for winter to be over. We are really feeling the claustrophobia that sets in this time of year (if not sooner) The boys were supposed to have an art show on Tuesday, but it was cancelled because of an ice storm. There was a scouts meeting last night, but Spencer was too sick to even feel like getting dressed. We’ve been in the house since Saturday. Yuck. I’m trying to focus on those little moments, those good little moments, because we did have them. Isaac and Anabelle visited on Monday, and everyone had a good time…. The boys got their Ladybug and Spider magazines, and we looked through those together. We did what we always do first, and pulled out the little games. We cut out and played a color bingo game yesterday…. We’ve had the Brio train track out most of the week, and have played with that nearly every day…. Paxton found a race-car math game that they got for Christmas a couple years ago. We lost the directions, so we had to make them up, but we had fun playing that too…. We read about Ramona’s latest antics in Ramona and her Mother…. We pulled out maps of the United States, trying to find one that had the time zones listed on it. We finally found what we were looking for in the phone book, and talked about what time it was from California to New Hampshire. The boys thought there should be a different time zone for Maba and Pop and Aunt Didi since they live so far away. (an hour :)…. We drank a lot of orange juice. And if my sore throat and sniffling boy are any indication, we’re going to be drinking a lot more.

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