This was a busy week, considering we spent the whole week at home! We had a playdate scheduled, but it was cancelled, and the day of their homeschool playgroup was a freezing, just-want-to-hibernate kind of day, so we skipped that too. Spencer is getting his wolf badge, along with his first gold and silver arrows, at his pack meeting tonight, so we spent a good part of the week finishing up some of his requirements. We talked about fire safety, religion, camping…. it ran the whole gamut. We both look forward to sitting down with that book and seeing what else there is to do. He’s finished all his achievements now (and is among the first 3 boys to do so!) and is now working on electives. Among those he tried this week – sign language, writing in a secret code, and measurement. He also had to bake a cake last night with Mike. They are having a cake auction tonight to raise money for the tsunami victims, and the scouts needed to bake their cakes themselves with a male partner. He picked a strawberry cake, and decorated it with Dale Earnhardt Jr (of course :o) It’s really cool to see him having so much fun being involved in Scouts. Last night I finally got around to sewing on his Bobcat badge, his numbers, and his council patch, so he’s all good to go. We also worked on the house this week, STILL trying to get it back into shape after the holidays! The boys have been great helping out with putting things away, cleaning, de-cluttering, etc. I have 65 DVD’s currently strewn all over the couch in the living room (ok, it’s DVD’s, not BVD’s, but I was going with the B theme) so they’re not helping with the clutter, but I’m still having a blast buying and selling. I’m beginning to think we need another computer. Between ebay and email and the internet and games, this one is almost constantly in use. I’m on an email list that sends me the link to a new educational website every day. Sometimes I just delete them, as they’re often way too schooly for us, but once a week or so we get a really cool one. Yesterday’s was awesome – full of word games – and both older boys, myself, and even Mike, have spent a great deal of time playing there. I like internet games too, because they never wear out, get lost, broken or scratched. I have four tabs open on my browser right now, because Paxton likes to leave his games up so they’ll be ready and waiting for him in the morning!