The morning after

The day after Christmas is just like I remember it as a kid. I just don’t remember having this much of a mess to pick up! Christmas day was just as it should have been… fun, loud, messy and filled with food and laughter. The kids went from one thing to another barely giving themselves time to look at one present before moving on to the next. Spencer spent most of the day on his new pedal tractor. I can’t remember seeing him walking all day! Paxton was playing playstation when everyone got here (no surprises there) and bounced from toy to toy once he shut it off. Everett sat back and took it all in, and let Pop rock him to sleep. We played games, hung out and visited, played with the boys’ new racetracks, set up a fishtank, and ATE. We were all exhausted and happy when the boys put on their new pj’s and finally went up to bed after 10:00. We read Paxton’s new book, and a couple chapters of one of Spencer’s, and then must have all passed out, because I have no memory of anything after that! This morning, Spencer was back on his tractor immediately upon coming downstairs, and Paxton was excited to learn how to feed his new betta fish, whom he decided to name Red. Two more days until Mike has to go back to work, so we’re looking forward to hanging out and enjoying watching the kids play with their new things. And I have big plans to watch several episodes of Seinfeld on dvd later. I just love Christmas!

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