The week before Christmas started with a clock building project, and ended with a bump to the forehead! The boys channelled their extra energy – some of it anyway – into one project after another, from making homemade gifts for their relatives, to painting a wooden truck, making the afore-mentioned clock, and starting two bridges in a really cool (and challenging) bridge building kit that Spencer got as a gift last weekend. We also made three batches of cookies, read some new books, and logged a few more hours playing the Rollercoaster game on Playstation. My four year old officially knows more about running a business than I do, as long as that business is a virtual theme park! We’ve been staying up late… watching movies, getting things ready for the holiday, and just hanging out. Last night when the kids were having their last hurrah before they passed out, Spencer decided to jump onto our bed right next to where Mike was laying watching tv, and collided (and collided rather hard) with his elbow. In seconds, a huge blue knot was forming in the middle of his forehead! I ran downstairs for the booboo piggy and a cookie, and after icing it for a few minutes, the swelling came right down. Poor Spencer was so tired at that point, he didn’t even want the cookie! He’s back to true form this morning, and both he and Paxton are wildly excited about Santa coming tonight. The baby is still sleeping – must be worn out from his first haircut last night – and while he couldn’t care less about Santa, is nevertheless enjoying the high energy in the air. I’ve always heard growing up that things are even more exciting when you see them through your kids’ eyes, but I never fully understood it until I had kids of my own. The magic, the excitement, the joy that is Christmas…. as wonderful as that was as a kid, it really is even better as a parent. Merry Christmas!