Mike went back to work this morning, after a 4 day break, and I thought the kids would have a hard time with the transition. Actually, they are handling it just fine, and I am the one missing him, wishing he were here to have a cup of coffee with me. The long holiday weekend really was wonderful. It was neat to watch the kids decide what to play with after the excitement of Christmas day started to wear off. And over the past two days they played with everything! Paxton spent a long time playing with a magnetic building set, punctuated by quick games of Elefun. Spencer was still firmly planted in the seat of his tractor, but took some time out to hammer a few nails in his wood building kit, and dump and sort a set of tiny vehicles. While we were playing, we also did my favorite thing… watched movies! We rented Elf on Sunday, which I’d been avoiding because it looked a little too over the top, but it was actually very very funny. We all enjoyed it, and we just about wore out the tivo replaying the scene where Will Ferrell jumps onto – and knocks down – the Christmas tree, because the boys liked it so much. Yesterday we watched Liar Liar at Spencer’s request. Jim Carrey comedy never gets old in our house! Mike introduced us to the movie Cannonball Run, which was a fun movie too, and we didn’t forget Everett… he watched his new Baby Mozart and Baby DaVinci movies, and bounced and squealed away. He was very excited to see that one of his favorite songs, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” was included in one of the movies. We did have to make a quick pitstop to Best Buy yesterday, because our poor coffee pot that was slowly disintegrating decided to give up the fight. It was leaky but usable on Christmas day, and the next day it pretty much exploded coffee all over the kitchen counter. So now we have a new one. The long weekend ended with a few episodes of Seinfeld and another chapter from Spencer’s book. I couldn’t have asked for a better holiday.