Yesterday as I was playing with the boys, it occurred to me that there was a Christmas present that no one ever opened, and that I couldn’t even remember wrapping. I searched my bedroom closet – our not-so creative hiding place that’ll need to change when the kids are a little older – and sure enough, it had been left in there. It’s a game I ordered from a speech company that I found when Spencer was still in therapy. We had SO much fun with it! You draw cards from 3 different decks (nouns, verbs, prepositions) and make sentences. Such a simple but great idea. The sentences often turn out to be very silly, and I loved seeing the boys cracking up over say, an iceskater skidding headfirst down an escalator. We played it off and on all day, and I was ultimately glad that we hadn’t given it to them on Christmas, as it would have just gotten lost in the shuffle. We also took down the Christmas tree, and started packing away all the ornaments and decorations. I really didn’t want to do it yet, but after it was knocked over (by the dog) for the 3rd time in as many days, I figured it was time. I don’t enjoy this part of the holiday, but I do enjoy reclaiming the house! Besides, having the Christmas tree out of the living room leaves more space for the boys’ new racetrack, now a permanent fixture on our carpet.